What is Maschine best for?

Maschine is a versatile beat making tool with both an extensive included sound library, and an enormous amount of extra sounds available via Native Instruments expansions. It’s also capable of sampling on-the-fly, allowing you to record internal or external audio signals without having to stop the sequencer.

This makes it great for spontaneous music making, and its fun-to-play pad-based hardware interface means its the ideal tool for those after a more tactile approach to beatmaking and live performance

Can a Maschine be used standalone?

There is a model of Maschine that can be used standalone: the Maschine+. This version has its own built-in processor, RAM and storage, meaning that it can be used without a computer at all. All other Maschine devices including the Maschine MK3 and Maschine Mikro require a computer to be used.

For more info on the Maschine range, check out the Maschine product page.

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